The Recipe
Our main ingredients for today's dish are the React library, the Lottie-web library, and a sprinkle of Material UI for styling. The Lottie-web library, developed by Airbnb, allows us to render Adobe After Effects animations natively on the web
Here's the code for our AnimatedRobotIcon component:
The Main Course: AnimatedRobotIcon Component
Our AnimatedRobotIcon component is a versatile dish that can serve up either a static image or an animated avatar, depending on the useLottie prop.
The useEffect hook is the kitchen where the magic happens. If useLottie is true, it uses the Lottie-web library to load an animation into the container ref. The animation data is passed in as a prop, allowing for different animations to be used with the same component. If the component is unmounted, the animation is destroyed to prevent memory leaks. If useLottie is false, the component serves up a static image avatar, using the staticImageSrc prop as the image source.
The Secret Sauce: Best Practices
Our AnimatedRobotIcon component follows several React best practices. It adheres to the Single Responsibility Principle, as it only handles the rendering of an avatar, either static or animated. It also uses prop types to ensure that the correct types of props are passed to the component
The use of the useEffect hook to handle side effects, such as loading and destroying the animation, is another best practice followed in this component
Dessert: Serving the Component
To serve up our AnimatedRobotIcon component, you simply import it into your React application and use it like any other component. You can pass in an onClick prop if you want the avatar to be interactive and a sx prop to apply Material UI styling.
In this example, we're serving up an animated avatar using the robotAnimation data. When the avatar is clicked, it logs a message to the console.
Closing Time
That's it for today's visit to the Restaurant of Mistaken Orders. We hope you enjoyed learning about our AnimatedRobotIcon component and how it can serve up both static and animated avatars. Remember, the best code recipes are the ones that are easy to read, maintain, and reuse. Happy coding!