To set up debugging, you will need to create a webpack configuration that generates a source map, which maps the compiled code back to the original source code. This allows you to use the Chrome DevTools or the Visual Studio Code debugger to debug your code as if you were debugging the original source.
Here are the steps to set up debugging for your Sitecore Content Hub DAM 4.2 React components:
Install the source-map-loader package:
Update your webpack configuration to generate a source map:
In this example, we set the devtool property to 'source-map' to generate a source map. We also added the source-map-loader to the use property of the rules array, which instructs webpack to use the loader to load the source map.
Run webpack to generate the bundle:
This generates a bundle.js file in the dist directory.
Create a launch configuration for Visual Studio Code:
In this example, we create a launch configuration for Chrome, which opens the Sitecore Content Hub DAM 4.2 application in a new Chrome window. We set the webRoot property to the workspace folder, which is the directory that contains the bundle.js file. We also add the sourceMapPathOverrides property to map the source maps to the original source files.
Start the Sitecore Content Hub DAM 4.2 application in development mode:
This starts the Sitecore Content Hub DAM 4.2 application in development mode on port 3000.
Start the Visual Studio Code debugger:
In Visual Studio Code, open the Debug panel (Ctrl+Shift+D), select the Chrome configuration, and click the green arrow to start the debugger. This should open a new Chrome window that loads the Sitecore Content Hub DAM 4.2 application. You can now use the Chrome DevTools or the Visual Studio Code debugger to debug your React components.
Breakdown of how the launch configuration interacts with Sitecore Content Hub:
The launch configuration specifies the type of debug configuration to use (in this case, the Chrome debug configuration).
The request property in the launch configuration specifies that the debugger should launch a new instance of Chrome with a debugger attached.
The url property in the launch configuration specifies the URL of the Sitecore Content Hub DAM 4.2 application that you want to debug.
The webRoot property in the launch configuration specifies the root directory of your project, which is used as the base directory for resolving source maps.
The sourceMapPathOverrides property in the launch configuration specifies the mappings between the source map URLs and the corresponding local file paths.
When you start the debugger with the launch configuration, Visual Studio Code launches a new instance of Chrome and connects to the Sitecore Content Hub DAM 4.2 application running on your local machine. Visual Studio Code uses the source maps generated by webpack to map the compiled code back to the original source code, allowing you to debug your React components as if you were debugging the original source code.
In summary, the launch configuration is used to specify the settings for launching the debugger and connecting to the Sitecore Content Hub DAM 4.2 application, while the source maps generated by webpack are used to map the compiled code back to the original source code, enabling you to debug your React components.
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